Saturday 30 August 2014

Amazing Facts about Pakistan

Both India & Pakistan were granted Independence on the 'midnight' of 14-15 August

Both India & Pakistan were granted Independence on the 'midnight' of 14-15 August ,but Pakistan celebrates its independence on 14-August & India celebrates on 15-Auguat.

Ironic but interesting, Pakistan did celebrated its 1st ever indepndence on 15-August, but later on it became 14-August.

One reason behind this was that the British Viceroy Lord Mountbatten travelled to pakistan on 14-August, to handover transfer of power to Pakistan in Karachi, and had to come back to New Delhi to do the same for India.( Since one can't be present in two places at the same time ). Since it happened on midnight of 14-15 Aug and as stated in the India Independence Act 1947, it was declared that both India & Pakistan got independence on 15-Aug. The act states : " As from the fifteenth August, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Seven, two independent dominions shall be setup in India, namely India & Pakistan. "

Even the first governer general of Pakistan, Mohammad Jinnah, declared 15-Aug as the independence day of Pakistan.
This is part of what he said in his first speech : " 15August is the birthday of the independent & sovereign state of Pakistan. It marks the fulfilment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland. "

Even the 1st commemorative postage stamp of the country that was released a year later stated 15August1947 as the date of independence.

Then why Pakistan started celebrating its independence on 14-Aug from the next year, i.e. 1948 ?

One reason is that the night of 14-15 August coincided with 27 RAMADAN 1366 of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims regard this as a sacred night, so they decided to shift their Indepenence day on 14-August from 15-August . 

In 1920 , India ( India and Pakistan , before seperation ) was so good in Hockey , that British team withdrew from Olympic to avoid an embarrassing defeat from its Colony .

                  Indian Hockey team in 1928

In the Olympics of 1928, 1932 and 1936, India scored 102 goals, but conceded only 3 . Read More . Click here

First Islamic Country To Attain Nuclear Power

Pakistan became the first Islamic country to become Nuclear Power on 28th May 1998.  The country ensured its solidarity in the face of threats from its long time nemesis neighboring 

More than 50% of World Footballs are made in Pakistan

Sialkot is a city famous for making sports equipment.  Hand-stitched footballs are a trademark of this city. Around 60 milion hand-stitched footballs are produced in world cup year in small firms in Sialkot, Pakistan. This year 42 million official football Brazuca were exported to Brazil for FIFA World Cup 2014.  

NASA had declared , Brazuca as best football , ever made

Ness Wadia , Priety Zinta ex-lover , Leading Industrialist and kings X1 Punjab co-owner is Great Grandson of Mohammad Ali Jinnah

World First Computer Virus was Created by two Pakistani Brothers 

Brain is the industry standard name for a computer virus that was released in its first form in January 1986, and is considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS. It infects the boot sector of storage media formatted with the DOS File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. Brain was written by two brothers, Basit Farooq Alvi and Amjad Farooq Alvi, from LahorePunjabPakistan.

Pakistan is the only Islamic Nation with Noble Prize
Mohammad Abdus Salam ( 29 January 1926 – 21 November 1996), was a Pakistanitheoretical physicist who, when he shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to electroweak unification, became the first and only Pakistani to receive a Nobel Prize and also the first Muslim to win a Nobel Prize in science.

World Youngest certified MICROSOFT EXPERTS , Arfa Kareen and babar Iqbal , are from Pakistan
Arfa Kareen
Babar Iqbal

Pakistan NATIONAL ANTHEM tune ranked first in top three tune in the world

Pakistan has world's fourth largest BROADBAND  

Pakistan is notable for having one of the world best Air-Force Pilots in the World

Air commodore MM Alam ( late ) has a world record of shooting down 5 planes in less than one minute

Baluchistan's king wanted Baluchistan to be part of India and not Pakistan. And was about to sign it as well. But Nehru convinced him to be part of Pakistan.

Asia's highest Railway Station is in Pakistan

Asia’s Highest Railway Station Kan Mehtarzai that is located 2240 meters above sea level near Quetta.

Largest Irrigation System of The world

The world’s largest irrigation network are present in Pakistan. It serves 14.4 million hectares of cultivated land. The irrigation system is fed by water from the Indus River. The main features of the system are  its three major storage reservoirs, namely, Tarbela and Chashma on the River Indus and Mangla on the River Jhelum; 19 barrages; 12 inter-river link canals and 43 independent irrigation canals with the total length of the main canals is 58,500 km.

Message from Pakistan National Flag

The white stripe on the left side of the country's flag represents the religious minorities of the country. The green represents the muslim majority.

The national anthem of Pakistan is written in Persian, not Urdu. It was composed by Hafeez Jullundri.

Largest Ambulance Network in the World

Edhi Foundation is the world’s largest non-profit social welfare organization. This organization provides 24-hour emergency services, medical & healthcare services and shelter for orphans.  Abdul Sattar Edhi started the service from a single room and now it has over 300 centers all over the country. It has branches in other countries such as UK, USA, Canada, Japan and China.

Literacy rate in Pakistan increased by 250% .
In Last 5 Years Pakistan Literacy rate is increased by 250% , the largest increase in any country to date .

Pakistan is one of the largest producers of hand made sports equipment in the world.

Pakistan is the fourth largest producer of Milk

Second Largest Salt Mine in the World

Khewara Salt Mines are the world’s second largest and Pakistan’s oldest salt mines.  It was discovered by Alexander’s troops in 320 B.C. These salt mines are the largest source of salt in the world producing 350,000 tons per year. However, the salt mines reserves are estimated to be about 600 million tons.

Highest paved International Road

Do you know the “eighth wonder of the world” is located in Pakistan? Karakoram Highway has been constructed at a height of 15,397 ft between China and Pakistan. It is one of the popular tourist attraction in the region.

Pakistan is the Home to the Largest Glacier outside Polar region . These are called alpine and inland Glaciers

The Baltoro Glacier in theKarakoramBaltistan, Northern Pakistan. At 62 kilometres (39 mi) in length, it is one of the longest alpine glaciers on earth.

Out of 190 million people only .7 million ( 0.4% ) pay direct Taxes .

If you have any such Info , share it with us .

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